How Does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnosis works by achieving a level of focused awareness, and at the same time bypassing the analytical, critical aspect of the mind. Another way to describe the analytical aspect of the mind is that it is a comparing mechanism. When new information is introduced to the mind, the comparing mechanism compares the new information to what it already believes is either true or false. This is a protective aspect of our mind.
This is why changing habits by willpower alone is so difficult - we often already believe we cannot change, so thinking about making the change happen (using willpower alone) is ineffective. Hypnosis is powerful because with focused awareness the analytical aspect of the mind is bypassed, and new, healthy and beneficial suggestions can be made directly into the subconscious, without the comparing mechanism rejecting these new beliefs. So the change we want to achieve in our life is accepted by the subconscious mind as true, and we see results quickly.
What Is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the practice of applying therapeutic processes within the state of hypnosis, for the purpose of creating healing change.
How Is Hypnotherapy Different From Traditional Therapeutic Methods?
The core difference between hypnotherapy and other therapeutic methods is depth and speed. On average, it only takes between 5 - 8 sessions to achieve your desired results. Sometimes even faster! Using various therapeutic techniques while in a state of hypnosis allows hypnotherapists to simultaneously access the subconscious reasons behind a problem, and rewire the brain for new thought patterns and behaviors. More traditional therapeutic methods may take weeks, months, or years to do the same.
What Is A Hypnotic Trance?
Simply put, the hypnotic trance state is simply a deep sense of relaxation that allows the client to let go. It is a "mind alert, body asleep" kind of feeling....but that can be different for different people. Some people report not "feeling anything" while others say they feel like they are floating. It is actually a natural state of mind that many of us encounter in everyday life on a regular basis. If you’ve ever been engrossed in a book, movie, or performance, then you have likely experienced the trance state. The only thing that distinguishes a naturally occurring trance state from the hypnotic trance state is that hypnotherapists induce the latter and are able to control the trance state to create understanding and healing.
Does A Hypnotized Person Lose Control?
No. You will always have control and can always hear what's going on - just like as if you were having a really good daydream. Hypnosis is nothing but a state of relaxed, deep focus. While undergoing hypnotherapy, clients have the ability to communicate with their therapist and express any requests they may have.
Does Hypnosis Work As Well When Conducted Virtually?
Yes! Clients love being able to do sessions from the privacy and comfort of their own homes, or a peaceful location of their choosing! All that is needed is a secure internet connection and a safe, comfortable place where you feel you can be uninterrupted, preferably lying down, or in a very comfortable couch. And even if you do get interrupted in the place of your choosing (perhaps your children need you unexpectedly, or dog found a way to open the door) hypnosis is not fragile! You would simply attend to the situation, and come back when ready. Your hypnotist will re-induct you into a state of hypnosis, and resume from where you left off.
Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?
Yes! The only requirements are that you be able and willing! To be able, there should be no medical reason that you cannot follow instruction, and to be willing…the desire to change has to come from you! For example, if you are there to quit smoking, but it is your wife and doctor who want you to quit versus YOU wanting to quit - hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do! Hypnosis will no work if you do not want it to.
Learn more about how hypnosis works by watching: The Truth About Hypnosis